$165.00 USD

5 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

I have read the student commitment form on this checkout page and agree to the terms outlined. I understand that R Squared Coaching is a six month program; that I have the option to pay the full six month tuition in advance; and that the monthly payments are a convenience.

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R Squared Coaching Program

Join your mastermind

5 month membership

What you'll get:

  • 1-hour call once a week with your Wickman trained Coach and teammates
  • Accountability + Tracking Tools to set you up for success
  • Incredible value at one low monthly rate
  • 5 months of coaching starting February 2025


R Squared Coaching is a 5-month program. By entering your payment method you agree to this student commitment form:

I agree and commit to completing the 5 Assignments each week. They are:

  1. Complete a minimum of 18 qualifying conversations or two "5-90-10" sessions per week
  2. Maintain a 1-31 prospect follow-up system
  3. Complete a SMART Week, including blocking out, color coding, and Top 5 Things To Do each day
  4. Train The Brain daily
  5. Track and report SMART Numbers

I understand that if I choose to quit R Squared or strike out, I will not be eligible for a refund.

I agree and commit to abide by the 3 Strike System. Strikes are earned for failure to complete any or all of the 5 Mandatory Assignments and for unexplained absence. I understand that if I earn a total of 3 strikes in 8 weeks, the Coach can put me out of R Squared with no reimbursement.

I agree and commit to complete confidentiality within my team.