Episode 189: You Have No Competition

Season #4

Parade of Techniques:

1. You know how people are saying, “Oh August, the market has slowed down. We’ll see what happens in September.” When the market seems a little slower, when you have a window of time, what’s your plan? Do you have an overall, overarching marketing plan?

2. A tip from someone who “broke through the lull he was in” and ended up with one new listing and one sale!


Ask the Experts:

1. “I took a listing, gave the seller a price, and the seller wanted more…and more and more…. Weeks later, the seller has decided, “The market is so good. I’m going to take it off the market. I’m going to fix some things up, do some repairs, and then I’m going to put it back on in March of 2022.” What do I do?”

2. How do I compete against flat fees and discounters? How do I prove my value during the listing presentation?