The Floyd Wickman Program

We specialize in helping agents in the bottom 50% of production

"If you are always moving in the right direction, no matter how small the steps, eventually you will get there." - Floyd Wickman

Since 1980, real estate agents, brokers, managers and companies have relied on The Floyd Wickman Program to achieve consistent and measurable production results. Every other training and coaching program in North America has borrowed ingredients from Floyd's innovative program... because it works, and continues to work today.


The Floyd Wickman Program is based on his Core Values, teachings, and principles. The techniques and dialogues are timeless, and the format is the most effective ever created for developing salespeople and causing positive change.

Our Core Values

To always live by the 'Get By Giving' philosophy

To always make my client's #1 goal, my #1 goal

To always live up to my standards, despite temptations to lower them

To always be willing to work toward a common good

To always do what I say I will do, sometimes more, just never less

5 Fundamental Principles of 

Floyd Wickman Training


  1. Spaced training

We meet with our students one day a week so that they have the six days between sessions to apply what we teach. Real learning takes place in the field.

  1. Mandatory assignments

Each student signs a commitment to do the work that develops the skills of a successful, productive salesperson. The assignments include prospecting, building relationships, managing time and tracking activity and results.

  1. Accountability

Because people are more likely to do what you inspect than what you expect, each student must report their activity and results each week. Everybody knows what everyone else is doing.

  1. Repetition

Dialogue selling is the key to building confidence, and the key to learning dialogue is repetitive listening. We teach the dialogue in class, demonstrate it, practice it and provide audio recordings for review between sessions.

  1. Teamwork

A group of people working together as a team for a common goal will always produce more than people working just as individuals.


Hear from two recent graduates of The Floyd Wickman Program with Trainer Dawn Zehren 👇🏽


Now The Floyd Wickman Program is available in two different formats: Live and Digital


Click here for The Floyd Wickman Program (live in the classroom)

 Click here for The Digital Floyd Wickman Course