Episode 248: Should We Wait Till Next Year

Season #5

Parade of Techniques:

1. Useful apps for scanning documents on your phone — Genius Scan and Thermal Scan.

2. So what are you doing for social media? Are you having trouble getting people to engage with you? Would you like to be top-of-mind?


Ask the Experts:

1. Guess what time of year it is?! It’s that time of year when we’re thinking about, “Oh, Daylight Savings Time is about to end. It’s Halloween! The snow is starting to fly.” What do potential sellers do when the weather turns like this? They start to procrastinate. “Oh, my listing prospect wants to wait til next year… How do I get my listing prospects to come on the market now?

2. My number one goal is to get these listings sold. The challenge I’m having is, the seller died. This would be a problem. The seller died, and the buyer that was pending walked, so now it went back to the market… So now, the kids, are in charge. One of the kids lives in Los Angeles, California. And he said, “We gave it away last time. You sold it fast. We had two offers right away. I think we should raise the price by ten grand. Ten grand represents 3% (300K house). What do I do? How do I get paid for this listing?