Episode 284: Thinking Big In A Small Town

Season #6

Parade of Techniques:

1. Check to see if there are recent listings near your past clients before calling them.
2. What’s one of the toughest things we have to do in our business? Here's a trick to help with that.

Ask the Experts:

1. We got a small town. Everybody knows everybody in this small town. And back in 2005, in this home, a 13-year-old took their own life. Fast forward nearly 20 years and the sellers are selling the house. There’s been a couple of showings but everyone is uncomfortable about the history of this home. We have to sell it to somebody who knows the story. So what do I do? How do I handle this?
2. I got this listing. It’s overpriced. Finally brought the price down and this weekend we’re having a big Greek Fair in the community… I’m going to have a spot in the fair. How do I make the most of this spot and get this listing sold?