Episode 285: How to Generate Listings and Get Them Sold

Season #6

Parade of Techniques:

  1. One of the many things that I love about our people in R2 is how fearless they are sometimes at examining their business and really making hard decisions… One of them did a check-up from the neck up and here is what they discovered.
  2. We’ve got a student who’s taking pictures with a “Sold” sign and loves that! You know, before the closing, we take a picture standing in front of the house with a “For Sale” sign, so it becomes a fun "before and after"


Ask the Experts:

  1. How do I get listings this year?! My number one goal is to increase my listing inventory cause I know that listings are going to be the name of the game for the rest of this year. I need listings! 
  2. Once you got the listing...how do you get it sold?