Episode 306: Rapid Fire Parade of Techniques

Season #6

This week, we are rapid-firing the most amazing Parade of Techniques!

1. What’s the one expense or activity that you did this year that gave you the best return on your investment?
2. One of our Get By Giving Award winners is a member of the BNI, and has been for years — Business Networking International. Here's what he gets out of his membership.
3. How to write off your hobby.
4. How to add to your database so that you never have to cold call again!
5. An effective tagline for this agent in a small town: “My community matters.”
6. Another avenue for marketing your listings for free.
7. What results in the most business for the least amount of money?
8. Here’s from somebody who gets more than half of their business from repeat clients.

And many other techniques shared by Mike & Mary.