Episode 311: Finalizing Your Marketing Calendar

Season #7

Parade of Techniques:

1. A POT from Mary about an app that loads your credit card on your profile, tracks, and helps you summarize your business expenses! Also, another app recommendation for your editing video content.
2. A “no tech” POT from one of Mike’s students about generating listings through handwritten letters.


Ask the Experts:

1. Mary’s teams talked about the status of the marketing plans! If you were at Business Breakthrough, you were given a marketing calendar. MAIL, CALL, SEE! What are you doing this year? What’s the niche you’re going after?
2. My number one goal is to get paid. I got this listing, and it’s probably going to expire in a couple of weeks; I know it’s going to sell in the spring. I just know it. It’s in a terrific neighborhood, but the seller has moved out of town. The seller is turning down offers that are good offers! I still want to get paid, so what can I do?