Episode 312: How Do I Make Prospecting Fun?

Season #7

Parade of Techniques:

1. The Mail-Call Expired Campaign is alive and well! In one tiny market on January 1st, guess how many expired listings there were for me to contact?
2. Two POTs from Mary:
a. A Field Guide to American Houses by Virginia McAlster
b. An app called “My Routine” and why I'm recommending it

Ask the Experts:

1. It’s a new year and my number one goal is to be consistent with prospecting. I discovered that when I feel good, I’m consistent with prospecting. When I’m not in a good place, my prospecting is inconsistent. And we know that the secret to productivity is consistent prospecting. How do I keep myself in a good place so that I keep prospecting?
2. I have been selling real estate for the last 20 years and the calendar just turned to a new year and I feel like I got to start all over again. How do I make my prospecting fun? How do I get excited about doing more work?