Episode 322: Protecting Your Attitude From a Challenging Spouse

Season #7

Parade of Techniques:

1. Train the brain. Keep yourself learning. If you’re not learning, you’re not growing.

2. A POT from someone who is from a slowing market, where multiple offers have disappeared.

Ask the Experts:

1. We have someone who has never hosted a broker open. She has a 1.2 million-dollar condo listed, which in her market is really a big, high sale price. Her question was, “I’m going to show my seller I’m working. It’s been on the market for 60 days. I want to host a successful broker open. If you could give me one piece of advice, what would it be?"

2. My number one goal is to protect my attitude. Here’s my problem: I am married to somebody who meets with people, and deals with people all the time; they have become a complainer. How do I change things?