Episode 328: How to Eliminate Frustration

Season #7

Parade of Techniques:

1. A social media marketing idea from one of our coaching students who has developed a niche of historical homes in the area.

2. This is a great principle to keep in mind and to follow in your marketing, in light of the negative publicity of real estate agents lately.

Ask the Experts:

1. My number one goal is to get people to sign at the listing appointment. What I’m finding is that they are not prepared to sell right now. They’ve got things they want to do before listing, and therefore, they’re not signing. My question is, how do I get the signature now?

2. My number-one goal is to eliminate frustration. But for the last three months, I’ve been getting my a** kicked. A friend listed with a total stranger and didn’t even talk to me first. What’s your best piece of advice on how to handle this frustration?