Episode 330: The Wickman Way of Telling the Truth

Season #7

Parade of Techniques:


  • We have a guy who has nine offers on his listing! One of the nine called him and said, “I’ve got an offer, and I’d really like permission to present it myself, please.”


  1. A prospecting question that we don’t always remember to ask is, "Who’s your Realtor?" Listen in and learn why this is important.

Ask the Experts:

  1. We have a student who gets all kinds of business from a good past client. He gets business from them pretty regularly. There is a widower who has to sell his house. It’s been on the market for a year because it’s in a small town. It’s been listed with a local agent who’s done a decent job. The pictures are okay. It’s 4.2 million. Here’s what he’s saying, “I couldn’t see taking a listing an hour away. I could certainly improve some of the marketing stuff and photos—not by a lot, but I have better systems in place. But at 4.2 million—I mean, what is it really worth? Do I want to do this? What if I don’t get it sold?"

  2. I’m selling my own home. Here’s the fact: it’s probably worth $750,000. I listed it for $699,000 and just dropped the price to $649,000. I’m only offering 2% to the co-broker. And, for the last 3 weeks, crickets! This is $100,000 underpriced, getting no showings! What’s the problem?