Assignment #4 for the Business Breakthrough

Nov 07, 2017


The final assignment! Hang in there with us. Your breakthrough is worth this time of preparation.


How much income do I need?

Have I included allocations for taxes, retirement, cash reserve, etc.?

How much additional income do I want and what for? What are my LFT’s for next year?


What are my dominant attitudes about money? Am I more driven by scarcity than abundance? Do I believe more in accumulation than circulation? How much do I deserve? What do I feel I have earned the right to ask for?

What kind of income am I capable of?

What income do I think is impossible for me to achieve?


Are my business systems able to handle one more closing per month next year? Two more per month? More than two more per month?

Could I go on one more listing appointment per week next year? Two more? More than two more?

Could I do one more 5-90-10 session per week next year?

Could I have one more qualifying conversation per day next year?


Is my Book of Business Send (Mail) – Call – See marketing plan in place for next year?

How consistent was my BofB marketing this year? Could I do better? If I was absolutely consistent, do I believe it would be more fruitful?

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