Why Frustration is an Occupational Hazard
May 09, 2024Floyd often said that frustration comes from knowing what you want to do, but not knowing how to do it. And yet I coach some highly educated and skillful salespeople who experience frustration for reasons beyond their control.
It might be an untrained co-broke agent. Or an appraiser from another planet. Or an inspector who is out to save the world from loose switch plates. Or buyers who change their mind, don’t tell you they have had a change of heart, and fail to show up to closing.
The longer you are in this business, the longer your list of perplexing, confounding, head-scratching, mind-blowing, unbelievable, have-you-ever-in-your-life-heard-anything-so-blankety blank blank moments will be. And that’s frustrating.
Once in a while a single frustrating episode can be laughed off. Two in the same week and it’s welcome to my world. But when they pile one on top of another with no let up…now what do you do?
Here’s some advice from one of my favorite coaching teams:
Try edibles.
Twice a year I quit real estate.
I take a day off and vent.
I keep a sign in my office that reminds me how laughable it all is.
Go catch 2 fish and call me in the morning.
I give myself a frustration day twice a year.
Looking back, things always turn around very soon after.
I read Og Mandino’s Scroll Marked 2 (I will greet this day with love in my heart…) from The Greatest Salesman In The World.
Frustration is an occupational hazard, and why I work on building up my immunity.
And a quote from one of the great National Hockey League coaches: I give my team a two-hour time limit, regardless of the outcome of each game. After a win, they get 2 hours to celebrate. After a loss, they get two hours to commiserate. And then it’s on to the next game.
I also remember Floyd saying that if you ever need someone to tie a knot at the end of your rope, pick up the phone.
That’s one of the many benefits of belonging to a team of people who commit to being responsible to and for each other. It’s like having your own personal frustration hotline.
If you aren't part of R Squared Coaching, find someone (or several people) in your world who can be this safe space for you. Or join R Squared. New teams will start forming to kick off the new semester on July 11.
Don't let frustration interfere with your business. Find and incorporate coping mechanisms to help you overcome it quickly. What's your favorite way to manage frustration?
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